For the month of October Time Warp Wife is hosting the 31 Days of Love. Twenty-seven different women will be offering us encouragement and a biblical perspective on marriage. Each daily challenge is designed to encourage us to love the way that God intended according to His wisdom as outlined in scripture.Today's Challenge:
Look for ONE new way today to show your husband that you LIKE being married to him! This will look different for each of you because each of our husbands are different. With a little bit of creativity and prayer, you can rekindle any lost feeling in the friendship area. Also, you may need to put some of your other relationships on hold until your friendship with your husband is real and vibrant!
Everyone gets home about the same time, kids from school & husband from work, so our hello's are a very quick kiss .. starting tomorrow I am going to surprise him with a 15 second kiss when he gets home from work each day!
What is one thing that you can do to show your husband that you like him?
It's funny you should bring this up..... This weekend at the Chiang Mai Woman's Retreat I got the great book Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggirichs (that name makes me giggle, immature I know, but hey, I teach 4th grade!)
Anyway, Dr. E (I call him that) said that he asked some men at one of his seminars if they knew their wives loved them. the men all said a hardy "Yes". then he went on to ask, 'Does you wife LIKE you?' And of course they all said, "NO!"
Sometimes I can be a bit hateful bitchy when I talk to Google. It's not my fault really, if he would just at least TRY to read my mind and do everything exactly how I want it I wouldn't have to yell at him right???? OK, so maybe I need to really start watching the way I talk to him so the poor guy doesn't go to the next men's retreat and tell everyone how his wife doesn't like him.
So, what can I do to show my darling that I love him??? This one's a no brainier. First I have a confession to make. Google LOVES to be the first one up in the morning so he can be the first one Pickles sees when she wakes up. I have to agree that it is so awesome to see that smile, but he's the bad part, ready??? OK (hiding my face in shame) sometimes everyday I pretend to be sleeping so my darling will make me a cup of coffee. My love even quietly sneaks in and puts it by my bed with a lid so it will be hot when I get my lazy butt up.
Was I NOT the one who just wrote about how I wanted to be a good wife???? The real shame of it is how truly grateful Google is when I get up and make HIM coffee. So the one thing that I am going to do from now on is get out of bed and make my man some coffee EVERYDAY. I promise!
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